The Imperial and Colonial Histories research program includes: histories of Indigenous-imperial engagement; settler colonial and transcolonial histories; comparative Indigenous histories; Indigenous biography; colonial travel, mobilities and exchange; missions, colonial governance and law; histories and legacies of empire

Our research

Our team explores the histories and legacies of relationships between European empires and Indigenous societies across different regions of the globe, from the 17th century to the present. Our research projects address themes of: Indigenous/settler encounters; Indigenous life-writing; gendered colonial relations; cross-cultural experiences of colonial migration and exploration; imperial and colonial collecting; the history and memory of colonial violence; the relationship between free, semi-free and unfree colonial labour; Indigenous peoples’ relationship to systems of colonial law.

Our research team


Professor Amanda Nettelbeck


Dr Kristie Flannery

Professor Kate Fullagar

Associate Professor Shino Konishi

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