Jennifer Rose

Thesis Title: Migrant rights activism in Melbourne and the development of multiculturalism and public culture, 1940s to the 1980s

Supervisors: Dr Mary Tomsic (Principal Supervisor); Dr Rachel Stevens (Co-supervisor); Carmel Guerra OAM (Associate Supervisor End-user)

Thesis abstract: Culturally diverse Melbourne has been the site of significant migrant rights activism due in large part to the post-World War II migration program. Jen is undertaking a study that spans beyond specific ethnic/cultural groups to consider broadly the nature and influence of migrants' rights activism in Melbourne from the late 1940s to the 1980s in areas such as migrant workers' rights, rights to education, health and social services, cultural rights and democratic rights. This project contributes to the cultural history of Melbourne by exploring episodes of migrant's rights activity within the historic context of local urban settings and the influence of migrants' rights activism in shaping multiculturalism and 'public culture' in Melbourne.

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