Institute scholars lead diverse research projects, partnering with major, international funding bodies and collaborators.

Flourishing in Early Christianity

An internationally collaborative, five-year project that integrates historical, literary, and theological inquiry into the multi-faceted reality of human flourishing in ancient Christianity.

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Religious Mobilities: Europe and the Medieval and Early Modern World

A collaborative, international, five-year investigation of the chronology and character of movement within the traditions, structures, social groups, identities, and practices that comprised Christianity within Europe, their connections and relationships with varieties of Judaism and Islam in and around Europe, and colonial interactions of Europeans with non-European Christianities and religions.

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Theologies of Catholicity

Drawing on original and classic sources, this international project explores understandings of catholicity, taking as its starting point the ressourcement theologians of the early and mid-twentieth century.

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Redeeming autonomy: Agency, vulnerability, and relationality

The purpose of the ‘Redeeming Autonomy’ programme is to make a strategic intervention in the academic and cultural debate around the concept of ‘autonomy’. ‘Autonomy’ is, like it or not, a central concept in current cultural, political, legal, and ethical debates.

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Recently completed projects

  • Atheism and Christianity: Moving past polemic
    Associate Professor Robyn Horner (ACU), Dr Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer (ACU), Dr David Newheiser (ACU), Professor Henning Tegtmeyer (KU Leuven), Professor Denys Turner (Yale / ACU), and Professor Stephan van Erp (KU Leuven)
  • Religious Belief and Social Cohesion: Cyril of Alexandria’s Contra Iulianum
    Matthew Crawford, in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

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